Art Direction: Tree Creative Room.
Developed by Extend Media

    Meet the Team

    The TREEs / October 23, 2020 / TREE News

    We are so lucky and proud to have such amazing and experienced individuals among us, who can achieve anything when putting their minds together. Our excellent workplace communication has eventually turned us into a little family where there is always constant support and encouragement.

    Nektaria brings her artistic flair to a number of creative projects.
    Andreas is a computer genius, working his magic on CMS platforms.
    Gabriela is a creative explorer with a unique vision.
    Demetris is our right-hand with a young, fiery and charismatic personality.
    Costas is an incurable rational sensitive dreamer, passionate writer and creative marketer, and of course an eternal optimist.

    Check what we do & Contact us for future cooperations at

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