Art Direction: Tree Creative Room.
Developed by Extend Media

    Real Fit by Anninos & Marilia: The “Join A Different Experience” Campaign

    The TREEs / February 18, 2016 / TREE Campaigns

    When two Champions join forces, the result could not be anything else than a different fitness – workout experience! Their successful history as athletes and their love for gymnastics, sports and the daily workout, led to the creation of the Real Fit by Anninos & Marilia (Anninos Markoulides & Marilia Gregoriou) in Limassol City.

    With a totally different approach, offering Personal and Group Training Programs, as well as Programs for Children and Athletes & Football Players, they aim to achieve with you, the best possible results. For more information, contact them at 25 383 384 and book your appointment today to learn anything you need to know about the Programs, the Special Packages and their Services.

    Concept Idea, Art Direction & Implementation: Tree Creative Room

    More Info:

    Real Fit Facebook Page

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